1-to-1 sessions (60-90min) | £150.00 |
6 Session package1 | £765.00 (15% discount) (if fortnightly, £255.00pcm for 3 month or £127.50pcm for 6 month if monthly. Payment in advance of session(s)) |
Monthly retainer for larger organisations2 | £1000.00pcm (8hrs split across as many sessions or individuals in that month) |
Mileage | £0.45/ml |
As a guide, normally sessions are held fortnightly for the first six and monthly (negotiable) thereafter for those wishing to retain our services on a monthly basis.
Skype or telephone sessions are available where face to face meetings are not practical.
All our workshops are half day activities typically between 9:30am to 1:00pm or 2:00pm to 5:30pm. Combinations to create full day workshops are available.
Charges per workshop are:
8-20 participation | £ 800.00 per workshop (½ day)3 |
2 per day – No. as above | £ 1360.00 per 2 x workshop (1 day)3 4 |
Package (4No half days – No. as above) | £ 2400.00 total3 4 |
Package (4No 2xdays – No. as above) | £ 2040.00 total3 4 |
Workshops incorporate combination of presentation and exercises. All hand-outs, coursework notes and exercises are issued as part of the package.
Time Management (Mastering tasks to allotted time)
- How to relate to time
- How to delegate effectively
- Learning to say ‘NO’s
- Time Management Matrix
- To-do listing (with a twist!)
- Electronic mail, Social Media & Admin
- Recommended books & material
Confidence (Personal performance improvement)
- Signs & Symptoms
- Circle of Concern ‘vs’ Circle of Influence
- The change process
- Banish the monkey
- S.W.O.T. (Personal, not business!)
- Tools to help build self-confidence
- 9 Confidence building exercises
- Recommended books & material
Leadership (The power of people management)
- How to define a good leader
- Leader, Manager or both?
- Applied leadership qualities & test
- Leadership styles
- Beliefs & Attitudes
- Typical behaviour patterns
- Leadership models
- Awaken the leader within
- Recommended books & material
Change Management (Insuring smooth transition of new implementations)
- Communications in organisations
- John P. Kotter 8 steps for successful change
- The change process
- Understanding change & transition (The transition curve)
- Grief cycle exercise
- Change & Me exercise
- Focus on resilience
- The change equation (Action planning)
- Wheel of progress
- Recommended books & material
Team Development (Enhancing work group’s effectiveness)
Aristotle: “The Whole Is Greater Than The Sum Of Its Parts!”
- Investigate what difference a great team will make to …
- ‘Model Team’ exercise
- Performance = Potential – Interference
- Iceberg Model (an alternative variation)
- Individual’s own actions towards Company vision
- Own view of the team (Picture gallery!)
- Stepping stones
- Recommended books & material
Motivation (Improving the level of determination)
- Dan Pink Video
- Johari Window (self-awareness)
- One-to-One coaching (the art of listening)
- Employee 10 motivation questionnaire
- Recognising the ‘De-motivators’
- Hierarchy of Needs in UP or Ratatouille (video)
- Recommended books & material
Upcoming workshops to include ‘Power Persuasion’, ‘Power Pitching’ and ‘Negotiation Skills’
1 Includes email correspondence and one ten minute panic call
2 Unused hours will not be carried over. Excess hours charged at session rate. Includes email correspondence + Occasional call to celebrate successes or panic call.
3 Excludes necessary travel, airfare, accommodation or other incurred costs. These will be charged at cost.
4 Four workshops chosen. Select which one to start. Based on feedback, additional 3 workshops to be booked and charged as package rate. If negative feedback, no charge made for initial workshop.